Male, Female, or X?
Politicians in New York City are planning to introduce legislation this week, with public hearings to follow later in the month, that would place a third option on birth certificates. According to a story on WBNG, New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio and City Council Speaker Corey Johnson are proposing the new category of "X" to be placed on New York City birth certificates. The "X" would signify that the parents of a newborn didn't want to identify the sex of their child. If this legislation passes, according to WBNG, New York City would join Washington, Oregon, and California as having a third category on their birth certificates. I'm sure this will become a very controversial topic. I wonder if this passes in the City, will it make it's way to the Binghamton area?
I understand the whole transgender issue. And I'm sure it's horrible to have female body parts and feel more like a man and vice versa, but at birth is this something that we should worry about? If a boy is born with male genitalia, should the box be checked male? When the person is old enough to make their own decision, would it make more sense to let them do it then? I don't know. The news story on WBNG went on to say that Washington D.C. Already has that option on their drivers licenses.
How do you feel about this? I would love to hear your opinion.
[via WBNG]