The Largest Private Landowners In The State Of New York & Pennsylvania
How are we judged in 2022 as far as our worth is concerned? Well, there are many factors to weigh for that answer I suppose. Wasn't it true that in the old, old times that a person's worth was measured in how much land they owned? Didn't someone once say the more land you own, the richer you will be? Maybe I got that wrong.
If that's the case, consider me less than worthy, and certainly nowhere near rich. I have maybe a quarter of an acre of land. But at least I win in the category of I can mow my lawn quicker than most landowners. Okay, that's nothing to brag about. I'm the oldest of my siblings, and I own the least amount of land. But it's not a competition, right?
The website World Population Review recently listed the names of the largest private landowners for each state in the United States. According to the list, for New York State, the largest landowner is the Molpus Woodland Group. This private company owns 112,000 acres in the Empire State.
I had never heard of them, so I checked it out, and found who they are. According to their website, the Molpus Woodland Group is a timberland investment management organization headquartered in Jackson, Mississippi. The company buys and manages timberland investments across the country.
In Pennsylvania, the Collins Family is the largest landholder in the Commonwealth with "118,000 acres in 167 individual parcels scattered across a seven-county area of Northwestern Pennsylvania" according to the Collins Company website.
According to the World Population Review website, about 60 percent of land in the United States is privately owned. The website states that the largest landowners in the country include the Emmerson Family, John Malone, the Reed Family, Ted Turner, and the Kroenke Ranch.
[via World Population Review, Molpus Woodlands Group, Collins Company]
[H/T to Fun 107]