In my world, bra shopping absolutely ranks up there with bathing suit shopping. I literally detest shopping for either so much so that I’d rather be trapped in a room with five squealing, hopped up on sugar toddlers.

I bought some new bras right before I got married because I wanted to be sure that I had something that fit properly and would work with my wedding dress. At about $50 a pop, I thought I was set for a while. Nope. I got pregnant on my wedding night. And if you’ve ever been pregnant, you know what happens to the chest area.

And so, I had to go bra shopping again and I hadn’t even had my new bras for a full six months. Then, I had to shop for new ones again after my son was born because neither the ones I bought just before getting married or the ones I bought just before giving birth fit anymore.

Have I mentioned how awful I think bra shopping is? And now this new advice from those who know the business of bras just makes me want to crawl into a ball and bawl. Did you know that your bra has an expiration date?

I don’t know about you, but when I’ve found a bra that I actually like, I generally wear it until it tells me it’s time to send it to bra heaven by stabbing me in the rib with its sharp piece of metal.

Experts (who clearly hate bra wearers) say that a bra should be replaced every eight months. Elise Recour is the general manager for a bra manufacturer and told the Daily Mail, "This may sound extravagant, but if you are wearing a bra regularly, even if it's high quality and you take good care of it, you will start to lose support and comfort, and the boost and uplift you bought it for will be substantially reduced after eight months or so.”

I'm curious how many ladies will actually heed that advice.

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