They may not be the prettiest bugs in the Hudson Valley, but they have definitely caught the attention of an America's Next Top Model judge. That's because they showed up in his backyard in Woodstock, New York.

Model and TV personality Nigel Barker, who is most notably known for his appearance as a judge on the Tyra Banks reality series America's Next Top Model, is a Woodstock resident. Judging by his Instagram account, he and his family have called the Ulster County town home for the last few years.

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Recently, Barker has been sharing some unique finds in his own backyard. All of them being of the bug variety.

In June, Nigel took a photo of a terrifying needle-like bug that was "pulsating" on a log in his backyard. Barker wrote:

What is it?! It was big like 3.5 inches long and almost the same high. I went outside and it was just pulsating like this on a log I use as a seat around my fire pit. I’ve not seen this guy before…

Take a look at the video:

Many fans in the comment section shared their bug knowledge and informed Barker that it is a Giant Ichneumons, which is a long-tailed wasp. YIKES.

The other bug looks like a big, fuzzy moth. Take a look:

Listen, we live in the Hudson Valley. We're used to seeing wildlife and we like to embrace nature when we can. But I think even Hudson Valley natives are creeped out by these creepy crawlers.

Can you identify the bugs in Barker's backyard?

These 10 Bugs Found In New York Will Send Shivers Down Your Spine

Beautiful Plants That Also Keep The Bugs Away

Did you know there are plenty of plants that offer protection from mosquitoes, spiders, house flys and more? Yes, check out these natural bug repellants that are affordable and available now.

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Welcome to some of the best Nature Trails, Historical Landmarks, and all-around great views right here in the Hudson Valley!

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