I've been to a lot of events since I moved to Binghamton a few months ago, but Porchfest was without a doubt my favorite one yet.

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I mean no disrespect to Spiediefest or any of the various town and county fairs I've gotten to attend, but this event checked every box that I have. There was great food, great music, beautiful weather and I got to walk around meeting the fine people of the Binghamton community in their own community.

I was also shocked that an event this massive and seemingly disorganized was done so flawlessly. Maybe it comes with years of practice, but I was expecting the event to be a little bit more chaotic. Those expectations went out the window pretty much the second I walked across Riverside Drive though. For something that could easily be billed as an unofficial community event, Porchfest was a well-oiled machine of good times.

And the people of the Binghamton area are so talented. I was at Porchfest for about four hours and I didn't see a single musical act that I didn't think was incredible. I had a hard time settling in to watch one porch for a while because in the distance I could hear another porch with another huge crowd that sounded just as fun.

Needless to say, this is going to be an event that I mark on my calendar every year in Binghamton. From the music to the food to the unofficial lemonade stands and yard sales, I can't imagine any event left this year before the winter descends that will be as fun as this one. So if you enjoyed Porchfest as much as I did or couldn't make it and want to see what you missed, enjoy this gallery of pictures of a truly amazing event.

A Look Around Binghamton's 2022 Porchfest

A Look Around Binghamton's 2022 Porchfest

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