New York State Could Soon Give You More Cash Back When Recycling Bottles
Do you recycle? I recycle everything that can be recycled. Paper, plastics (ones that are accepted of course), and cans and bottles for the return money. I mean really, if I'm paying for the deposit, I want it back, right? Gimme my five cents. It adds up, especially when I wait to return my bottles and cans with about five trash bags full. That money adds up.
Whenever I glance at those returnable bottles and cans, I notice the list of states that accept the container for five cents, including a couple - Michigan and Oregon that pay back ten cents per bottle or can. I'd like to get ten cents back instead of five, but I'm not about to move to those states.
But wait. Is it possible that New York State may move to a ten-cent bottle and can return? According to Spectrum News earlier this year, the New York Bottle Return Law could increase from five cents to ten cents if a bill introduced in January by Assemblyman Kevin Cahill passes.
And it would expand the types of items you can return for that ten cents, including select wine and liquor bottles, dairy products, iced teas, and sports drinks as well. But, how is the bill moving along?
Well, according to the New York State Senate website, the bill was introduced as I mentioned, in January and is currently in the stage called 'In Committee.' The next steps include - On Floor Calendar, Pass Senate, Pass Assembly, Deliver to Governor and finally Signed or Decline by the Governor. Wow, that's a lot of steps.
And if it passes all those hurdles, I have questions. The most important being, will the overall cost of my six-pack of beverages increase in price to offset the 5-cent increase for returning those bottles or cans?
I'd prefer the five-cent per bottle incentive, and I'm sure many others would as well, plus it might be an added incentive for consumers to return those bottles and cans. Do you agree?
Either way, the Bottle Bill in New York State has resulted in success since it was passed many years ago, including reducing roadside litter by 70 percent and in 2020, 5.5 billion plastic, glass, and aluminum beverage containers were recycled. That comes to over 240,000 tons according to the New York State DEC.
[via New York State DEC, Spectrum News, New York State Senate]
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