Five Upstate New York TikToks That Are Way Too Relatable
If you're like the other hundreds of millions of people who have joined the TikTok community recently, you've probably been keeping yourself entertained during quarantine by endlessly scrolling through video after video.
According to Mashable, the more you interact (comment, like, or share) with videos on TikTok, the app will start showing you similar content on the main "For You" page. For some, that could mean more videos of adorable puppies. For others, it may mean videos involving their favorite sports team or the state they live in. A little light TikTok searching led to a rabbit hole of Upstate New York-related content, which is just too relatable to not share.
1. Don't mess with the regions in this state. New Yorkers are PARTICULAR.
2. This TikToker borrows another user's sound, which puts an Upstate New York twist on the common TikTok trend of "Put a Finger Down." If you have an ADK sticker on your car, have been to a concert at SPAC, or have had a milkshake from Stewart's, put a finger down and click play. This TikTok is for you.
3. Speaking of Stewart's, remember when they sold "collector's item" plastic bags ahead of the March 1 plastic bag ban? Of course, the statewide ban didn't last very long and is at least on hold for now because of the coronavirus pandemic. But this TikTok just goes to show how much of a staple Stewart's plastic bags are to the Upstate New York community.
4. Unlike the other videos on this list, the next TikTok comes from a user who is obviously not from New York and is unfamiliar with some of the town names. He points out some of the hard-to-pronounce or just straight up weird town names, many of which land in Upstate New York.
5. Finally, this TikTok was made by users from Western New York who have 585 and 716 area codes. However, most of the content can be applied to New Yorkers all across the upper part of the state. The most relatable?
"Put a finger down if you've been asked if you're from New York City just because you said you live in New York."
Sounds about right.