FAQs The Motorcoach Expert Can Answer
Do you have an upcoming trip with us and have a few questions? Browse through the Eastern Travel/Oneonta Bus Lines FAQ below to get your questions answered and you're welcome to contact them with additional questions.
How long does does the motorcoach wait around for everyone to arrive for a scheduled trip?
All of our trips have tight time schedules so we ask that you arrive on time for your departure. The bus will arrive 15 minutes prior to departure. Departing late will not be tolerated unless certain circumstances arise.
Are trips ever interrupted or cancelled by natural causes?
Eastern Travel / Oneonta Bus Lines is not responsible for actions resulting from natural causes - i.e. rain, hurricanes, wind, high waves, etc. Trips that start out and are cancelled on arrival - ball games, whale watches, races, etc. will be rescheduled to the best of the company's ability. Tickets to the activity would still be honored per the vendor, but the second trip will require that the customer pay for transportation.
How does seating work on the motorcoaches?
We have assigned seating for our retail general public tours. When booking your seats you have the option of choosing the location of your seats. Assigned seat locations are on a first come first serve basis. Seating starts with seat 1 in the front of the motorcoach ascending to seat 52 in rear of the motorcoach. When chartering a motorcoach seating is at the discretion of the chartering group. For our retail tour seating chart click here...
How do I let the driver know that I need to get off the motorcoach?
On our retail general public tours please notify the escort on board. Chartered trips please notify the person in charge of your trip.
Can I take a wheelchair or stroller on the motorcoach?
You're more then welcome to bring a wheelchair or stroller but it will have to be stored underneath in our luggage storage bays while traveling aboard the motorcoach.
How often does the motorcoach take bathroom / rest stops during a trip?
There is a bathroom aboard all of our motorcoaches. Rest stops are made every 2 to 3 hours on our retail general public tours. For chartered trips it's at the discretion of the chartering group.
What happens if I leave something on the motorcoach?
A reminder is given to check above and below your seat but if you leave something on the motorcoach after your trip please contact our office and let a receptionist know. Items left on the motorcoach are turned into the lost & found at our office.
Can I eat, smoke or drink on the motorcoach?
Passengers are allowed to eat and drink non-alcoholic beverages on board. Please be responsible and use the trash cans located at the front and rear of motorcoach. Due to Federal Law smoking is not permitted on the motorcoach, adequate breaks are made for our smoking customers.
Do you offer Wi-Fi?
Yes, all of our motorcoaches are equipped with Wi-Fi free of charge.
What am I allowed for baggage?
Each person is allowed one large bag and one carry on.