For whatever reason, when the NBC television sitcom, The Office aired for 9 seasons from 2005 to 2013, I never checked it out. I was vaguely aware of the show and that it was about a paper company based in Scranton, Pennsylvania, but that didn't interest me enough to watch the series.

It wasn't until after I subscribed to Netflix, did I decide to give the show a look. This was about a year after the series ended its run. But before I did, I checked out the British version first, and then the American version.

I'm glad I did because it has become one of my favorite television sitcoms, ever. And the endless references to Scranton, Pa made it even better since the city is only an hour's drive away from Binghamton.

One of the final episodes in season 8 (episode 23 - May 3, 2012) was a surprise to me. It was titled 'Turf Wars' and the plot was about the Binghamton Dunder Mifflin branch closing, resulting in a fight between the sales team from the Dunder-Mifflin Scranton branch and a tough, very upset Syracuse office salesperson facing off on who gets the Binghamton branch accounts.

The Office Fandom, mentions one of the characters stating that the Binghamton Dunder-Mifflin was a fine branch. I was thrilled that Binghamton played a part in a 'The Office' episode, even though we never got to see an office or its employees.

But the one thing that made me scratch my head was the fact that a Binghamton and Syracuse Dunder-Mifflin branch was never mentioned in the series before this episode, nor were they mentioned during the remaining episodes of the series.

Comments on The Office Fandom mentions that maybe it was the Sabre company that opened the Binghamton and Syracuse offices after taking over for the Dunder-Mifflin parent company. Maybe, but again no mentions before or after this episode.

Check out a clip from The Office 'Turf War' episode mentioning Binghamton below.

via The Office Fandom, YouTube - The Office

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